Can you believe how these days, time is passing faster than ever? This is an indication that clearly tells you that the Light is becoming more powerful than ever. You play your role in bringing the Light into Earth, and we and others, who belong to higher dimensions, we continue to radiate this energy to you. This is a process controlled reaches levels outside the universe, and even beyond. The energy is sent out of the Central Sun of the Galaxy, and comes to this planet through several levels of vibration until it can be addressed, interruption-free toward Earth, without overloading you lots of energy.
If this energy is too powerful, you could not resist to radiation, and this is the factor that "appropriate and necessary, they are assured that you can only move, if at all have a certain vibration, which is consistent with that possess. There are very powerful souls who have been entrusted with the responsibility to address these specific energies to you, through themselves and Saint Germain, one of the Masters, assisted by his violet ray-operate in this task. Everything you see, and what is around you, it's basically energy, and out of your physicality, concepts that you learn much more, when in the realms of Light.
The first and most important is that you are Beings of Light, and the dimensions of Light is your true home. Now you are on that path that leads back to these dimensions, through the process of Ascension. Some loved ones are scared by the thought of change, without understanding that, as far as rise, you will naturally accept the beauty, peace and harmony that exists in all places belonging to these dimensions of Light. Soon, the hardness and difficulties of living in your present dimension will be just one more memory, which gradually will disappear, since there is no place for these bad memories at the highest levels of Light. You have come to realize that you are not only your physical body, since it will be wonderful, with the Ascension process in which they are engaged today, you will raise your vibration to acceptable levels in the Fifth Dimension, a that most of you target. You will ascend to this new dimensional level, fully aware and will move rapidly from one dimension to another.
there a way to go to these dimensions before you are really ready to ascend, but only once we can be with you, that, in this way, these creatures of darkness will not interfere, since your progress is amazing. Cleaning and sorting all this mess on Earth, and everything that belongs to the past Dark Ages, will be replaced by whatever means beauty, which is what finally meets the higher dimensions. The biggest change will be your energy levels, which will involve you at all times, in fact, the energy in these higher dimensional levels, is pure, exhilarating and comforting. Have you not heard about some souls who have been allowed to visit these realms of Light?
experience they find in their views is overwhelming, and that is why these souls do not want to leave behind this experience, because this new energy that radiates love and wraps everything into it. Is the energy from Source that makes everything inside, and that applies to you now, except that you have been away from her for long. That's what to expect, as that you have taken experience such conditions as part of your evolution. At present, the duality on Earth is ending, and with it comes the opportunity to leave it completely behind.
If you are of the view that what is actually happening on the Planet, is part of a cleansing and purification that has already begun, then it will be much easier to settle out of it and concentrate on your future. Inevitably, there is chaos in the world, while the old systems are collapsing and you are in the midst of it, but it does not have to destroy them, if you keep your eyes firmly on your destination. It will take time before you see clearly what they have to replace, but we have outlined what is to come, which will bring joy and happiness to your heart. We are with you all the time, regardless of whether they are aware of it, even today, there are many more people who see our ships, which, of course, it is our intention.
After all this time, the truth of our presence can hardly be hidden or denied, because our visits to your planet are clearly documented, not only during the last century, but also in old chronicles, which can be traced to thousands of years ago. It will be a great day of celebration when all the revelations about it, they can become official, and I think we are closer to that time.
We could ask the dark, why are you so afraid of our presence? Nothing would please us more than they accept us for us, as benign and benevolent beings that we are, and choose to return to the light, leaving the past behind. We do not keep ill feelings against them, because every soul that has lost contact with the Light, is one that must return to God, at some point in the future. Unfortunately, they have a streak of obstinacy and stubbornness that prevents them from admitting defeat, and, sadly, they would rather destroy everything that they can not control.
However, my beloved: Be not afraid, because it is decreed that, in these times, there will be such a catastrophic end of the current evolutionary cycle, unlike previous cycles. You will ascend the Earth together with your physical bodies, if that is your wish, and you will go forward with the intent and purpose to achieve that goal. Everything is planned to achieve that end, why you can look to the future with feelings of great happiness, by the end of the current evolutionary cycle.
meantime, continue taking your daily needs, and take steps for their future, as you see it. We know that some of you feel the danger in the areas in which you live, and are wise to pay attention to their feelings. We can do much to control the largest and most important events on Earth, but toward the future, some cleaning of the surface of your world is essential. We keep in balance, many areas prone to seismic activity, but we can not always intervene, because many of these tectonic events are part of your karmic responsibilities, which must deal with them know, so that, they can be "Redeemed" as part of your karmic debit.
You already know that many souls have chosen to leave this world, so out of this third dimension, through various natural disasters, and be assured that these souls once they leave the Earth, are well maintained, depending on experience no real harm in this departure. In these intermediate levels of spiritual transition, or, if you will, "the other side of the veil", there are what you might call "hospitals," where volunteers loved going to meet the new "new disembodied souls" to arrive, and les ensure comfort and the release of any trauma. In fact, there are no bruises or injuries that leave these spirits outgoing Earth could bring to the astral regions, and the "patients" who enter these "astral hospitals" are quickly healed of any emotional memories which might be harmful .
Your loved ones who left Earth a long time, waiting for their opportunity to join you in the ascension, as they too have been preparing for this occasion. Those of you who have been wanting to know the fate that had these loved ones who left Earth for some time should be relieved to learn that they are waiting to be reunited with you. The Creator has given the chance to experience the duality, but at the same time, has not abandoned them, and have planned your liberation is now approaching. You have your true self that is theirs, which is a component part of this great power of love and light, and are never separated from him, although it might seem otherwise, while on Earth.
I Am Lu-Sa Sa-Sirius, and a member of the Galactic Federation and I am very pleased to make contact with you. All that is directed towards the completion of the latter years of your trip, you are becoming easier, and you'll feel very comfortable with our close presence. We are ensuring that current evolutionary cycle and reaches its conclusion, has been completed as planned, and before and after, we will have come to Earth to join forces with yours. Know that our love travels with you, all the time.
Thanks, Sa-Lu-Sa. Mike Quinsey
8 MAY 2009
Translated by: Jebner Zambrana Román Channeled
by: Mike Quinsey michael.quinsey @ mypostoffice.
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Amethyst Group Master Saint Germain
La Paz - Bolivia