Friday, September 5, 2008

Why Do My Hands Burn After Shower

whale songs.

would not be strange
That the sky is falling While smoke apart

The agenda is

Silence of the Lambs
As the bow across the strings of the violin

The knife to the throat. And I fell

Having admired the challenge had to gamble

What was the prize
If you do not know why
So much sadness.
We listed,
From one to death with bullets
A decorated syringes
Treating stubborn life distracting

O What a failure, what laughter.
girl overly long sleeves

Naked from the waist down by surrounding a sea

so cold and cunning as your last kiss
Do not you admire my hands ...
And there I was, like the captain of a ship
swaying to the rhythm of sex, ecstatic
Seeing surrounded by angry
armored steel, metal, brilliant:
But wood floats. What
mounted warrior
With the bird woman's skin?
air under their wings singing.
The raging waves almost
anger that shines in his armor. The heavens hold
By a miracle. Elsewhere
unborn who recites
These memoirs. Oyash
Eliem Bikur Ahari
No 'tah
Ukhim bieral noskah.
will not be coming but in the memory of death.) Echoing

whales singing

The unfathomable mysteries of the atom
We wink ever, before the time nests

fragile and fleeting breath of our hearts.
And finally we have
A painful sense of timelessness:
An old silent fact

Feeding pigeons in the park forgetting.
That split second most glorious.


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