6th DAY: March 11, 2010 ___________________________________________________________________
Todra Gorges and the fool of the desert.
After last night's binge ... .. so good as it could start, but the fact that the bottle was emptied themselves, we just drank but what I did was enjoy the music and catchy songs and some of them ended up sleeping outside with the dogs ... .. but there is that life is so relaxed, arjetejá!
played that morning to collect everything and put it back on the bike, but was growing more packages and backpacks and less room and all tied with an octopus, a madness. To again have to carry all the things in saddle bags as he did ply, and if you still need another bag, because in the grill, but everything that can be opened easily and without having to remove cords and octopus to get a tool or material from them.
Official photo before the hotal Derbi LeTouareg ------- Merzouga Street
And it came time to decide what to do with the drums, do not use, because the one that was filled was that of rhetoric, stayed in our room without us missing, although the subject has changed if wanted red fail not .... Ruter proposed burned as a sign of revenge for the bad experience of walk them across Morocco, but the wisdom surfaced between our nonsense and decided to leave them to hassan in the hotel.
before leaving and once loaded everything, we went to the house of Hassan's nephew, Azziz, the hotel owner, who had invited us to dinner with his family. Since we were accustomed to the hospitality and characteristics of Morocco, which once seemed normal but every time I tried to recall a single similar situation on our 1-second world, we had none. Food was with several types of vegetables and especially with species such as cumin, and simple houses in southern Adobe and in the north and brick, but all inside both austere furniture like tables, chairs or sofas. In the more conservative southern households do not have chairs around the tables, you have to eat on the floor with the TV as the center of the room and only in the house a little more modern and built benches around the table and all the family eating together by hand. We were served a meal that tasted with desire, a kind of cake with vegetable filling type pizza with orange juice, all very good but not having the habit of eating on the floor much sanity pants and boots not bother I did nothing but remove the boots ... so we made a few laughs.
We leave Azziz and his family from the village of Merzouga and the Erg Chebbi in the hope that someday we would have the opportunity to return. We left
Tinerhir address and trodra throat, we expect about 200 km of roads across the desert and with an air which did not bother though, if I started to feel strong. The first people to cross was Rissani, we surprised the amount of kids coming and going all the schools on their bikes, giving life to all these villages. Within the villages, as you pass through the streets can grasp the different smells that mingle in the street, as if you were in a fair and typical village any commercial activity developing in the pavement and the roadway.
the way we find palm trees, camels and river beds that once were flooded with torrential storm water, giving a completely inhospitable to the entire area, with tiñiendo ocher landscape of rolling hills.
The air began to rise stronger and we were in formation, paving the way I ply router seconded and closing the trailer, when in the middle of nowhere, with the desert trying to bypass the road, we saw a mound topped by railings and platforms as a well water but they were many of them decided to stop investigating and it turns out that we the funniest moment of the whole adventure. We were down from the bike and I saw a man coming out of nowhere and approached ply, and immediately afterwards and lost among the hundreds of mounds. Ruter and I approached one of the mounds and effectively was a pit so deep but could not hear the contact of the stones with water, and as there appeared to ply, went to look in front router that doubling one of the I lose sight of wells and the closer I see some stairs that go straight to the well. Under caution and there I see such a scene of terror to the man in front of router and ply squat in a space so small that it was already full with three of them and a voice saying: "Come in, come ...." Scary.
ply At that time told us that we were invited to a tea (to which router muttered: "This we wink, haha) and we could not refuse, so while he was warming teaches us as if something very precious to him and making participants to us, the business cards of all persons who have been there and certainly in the same situation where we were. Salem was called and had to spend much time there, but it sure had a house in a nearby city, in the end we call it the madman from the desert.
For tea we went to a tent made of rags, type tent, and enjoyed a very interesting time with the man, who kept gesturing, speaking, moving and at a particular time of the conversation took a kind of guitar but with only 2 strings and started singing something unintelligible. All of this offered us tea served us and I recall the words of rhetoric, I took a drink until I realize I had the empty glass router (as would surely have shot) and rhetorical or tried it, a little pissed I look better in the glass and see horror that is all dirty and no where to get it but it was too late .... .. yuck
continue route travel across several cities, all totally different in terms of homes and environment, until almost dusk to Tinehir and a little more before we stopped to sleep at the La Luna, mint and the Todra Gorge, we decided to visit the next day.
the end almost 200km of sun, but with strong wind and pretty tired, we had dinner at this amazing hotel (tajine de boeuf salad + dessert + = 75dirhams) and I was really pleased that the bike has endured but with dismay that there were still two days in which there was no time for a breakdown.